35 hour work week & mullets are coming back!

What's better than mullets?

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I've waited 30 years for this day

Mullets are making a comeback. I've seen them in real life and now a study confirms that more people are sporting the "professional in the front, party in the back" hairdo. Read about it here if you're considering one for yourself.

The Markets

Last week all major indexes ending the week up:

DOW: +1.75%

S&P: +1.90%

NASDAQ: 2.58%

The market reacted to the liger bond yields as the 10-yer dipped below 4%. Investors are waiting on the February jobs report this Friday and expecting 225,000 jobs added this month. Recall last month there were a ton more jobs added than expected.

Financial LiteracyWhy study personal finance? Over 38% of people said their lack of financial education cost them more than $500 last year.

“Financial illiteracy is an epidemic in the U.S., and it's coming at a time when the economic climate is changing rapidly,” said the CEO of the NFEC.

Shorter Workweek?Rep. Mark Takano is reintroducing a bill that would shorten the standard work week to 32 hours, similar to France’s 35 hour workweek. Countries and companies around the world have been experimenting with this and collecting data and studies have shown it’s great for both the company and the employees due to higher productivity and employee satisfaction.

In fact, I wrote an article about it in 2014 as it was starting to gain traction.

Silvergate Messes up My PortfolioBitcoin and the rest of crypto has been down since Friday thanks to Silvergate Capital (SI) telling the Securities and Exchange Commission that it won’t be able to file its annual report on time. They’re evaluating their ability to stay in business.

Who is Silvergate Capital? They lend money to cryptocurrency companies and they’re obviously having a tough time making it through the crypto winter.

Shares tanked around 60% Friday after Bitstamp, Cboe Digital Markets, Circle, Coinbase, Crypto.com, Galaxy, Gemini, and Paxos suspended business with the bank.

Going Back to the OfficeIn the US office occupancy around 50%, but in Europe it’s already returned to around 80%. Asia is near 100%. Maybe it's not so bad if we only have to work 4 days a week.

Earnings SeasonNearly all the S&P 500 have reported earnings and they beat earnings by an average of just 1.3% last quarter, which is below the 5-year average of 8.6%.

The FedThe market has priced in another 90 basis points in total hikes that would take it to 5.65%.

Be a Better Investor

"The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."

- Warren Buffett

What is Warren Buffett's investment style?He is known for his value investing style, where he looks for undervalued companies with strong fundamentals and holds them for the long-term.

We'll talk more about value investing vs. growth investing in tomorrow's newsletter.

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Trajan King


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